The NOMAD Fly Table

Brand: Lone Bison Fly Tables
Price: $159.00
The NOMAD fly tying table has become a practical and versatile solution for fly tying enthusiasts who want to tie flies on the go. Its compact size and lightweight design make it easy to carry and transport, while its efficiency and durability make it suitable for use in virtually any setting. Having a portable fly tying station like the NOMAD can be beneficial for those who enjoy fishing and tying flies in different locations, as it provides a convenient and reliable tool to tie flies on the spot. It can also be useful for those who have limited space at home or prefer a minimalist approach to their fly tying setup. The NOMAD fly tying station is a testament to the power of creativity and innovation in addressing the needs and challenges of fly tying enthusiasts. It offers a practical and holistic solution for those who want to tie flies anywhere, anytime the need arises. The NOMAD will be a great addition to any fly tyers arsenal. * 7"D x 9"W x 2"H. Very lightweight and very stable.